Leading the Way

Reducing our carbon Footprint.

Over the years the Cowwarr Football Netball Club has changed along with the times and new developments. We have seen many innovations in technology in the last 20 years there are a few that stand out more than others, the advent of the LED light, the innovation in Solar panels and the development on battery storage.


When the new change rooms were being developed and we were in discussions with D.E.L.W.P and the Wellington Shire Council the plan to install Solar Panels was brought up, initially the plan was for a 6Kw system.

At this time D.E.L.W.P advised that a scheme was to become available as part of their push to have solar on public buildings and asked if we would be willing to participate.

This lead to a saving in the cost of the construction as the solar panels were now not needed and instead of a 6Kw system D.E.L.W.P installed a 20Kw set of panels.

The Cowwarr Recreation Reserve Committee of Management supported this hole heartedly and went onto help promote the principles of solar on public building over the coming year, this in turn helped us to achieve a grant that supplied a 10Kw battery installation which means a reduction in power costs to the CFNC of up to $5000 a year. A year later the Cowwarr Hall also received sponsorship from D.E.L.W.P for a 8Kw system.

The new building has all LED light fitting and now the social club rooms and the canteen are also all LED there are only a few old fluoro that need replacing.
With all of this we need to look to the future of our club and the affects we have on our environment as we go forward, it will be up to those who come after us to continue push for greater use of environmentally friendly technology that help the club and the environment to live on.

By Garry Blair