Hollonds-Komen Cup

In 2009 the Cowwarr FNC and Heyfield FNC respectively each lost a club legend in unexpected and tragic circumstances. Cowwarr F.N.C. lost a games record holder, life member, and great clubman in Andrew ‘Angry’ Hollonds and Heyfield lost their own club hero, in Pat Komen. Together, our clubs decided to honour the legacy of these two men by dedicating an annual cup in their names, with the club who wins the most games in both Netball and Football on the day to retain the cup for the following year.

Today, we host our rivals from Heyfield and will be looking to play each game with Angry’s signature determination, courage and commitment to the Warr and bring the cup home for Angry. As many of you know, Angry’s footy boots are still hanging in the change rooms and serve as a reminder to all, that you should play every game like it could be your last.

Carn the mighty Warr!
